Monday, February 7, 2011


Sometimes we all become very complacent in the comfort and routine of our every day lives, whether it is good for us or not. I had feared change because of all of the uncertainty about it but knew deep down inside it was desperately needed. I had made some changes and considered others but still struggle with why I am here and what I am to do with the rest of my life.

Life interests me. I am curious about so many things. I want to experience as much as I can. A terrible accident that injured me badly has given me time to reflect on what and who is important. My heart has opened and my mind spins with the possibilities of the future. I have written about this so many times change, future, etc. but have never been brave enough to take the next step. I had gotten to the point I did not trust my own judgment so I did nothing, or as little as I could. I feel as though I have been given a second chance at life. My recovery has been long but my belief in family and friends has been reinforced. I will be ever so grateful to those who unconditionally stepped in to take care of me , the kids, horses, dogs, house, bills. I want to pay it forward whenever I am given the chance. The last few years have been consumed with trying to survive that I could not think of anyone or anything else. That is one thing that has changed. I still do not have everything figured out but am more optimistic that life will fall into place now that I am out of the rut I was in. I wish it did not take me getting hurt to make the changes but it is what it is.

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