It's been a long time since this blog has seen a post from me. It has been awhile since I took the time to sit down and create something. Once again my life and time has been thoroughly preoccupied on just trying to survive and be a good Mom. There has not been much me time and certainly not enough time to paint, collage or make jewelry. Allowing a person to control your life and make it impossible for you to be yourself is so wrong on many levels. It is hard to believe that I had once again allowed that to happen. The compassionate side of me wants to believe in what people say and I had hopes of change. No change came...again!
So...I made the change. I also did something for myself. I adopted a horse! My daughter rides and I have wanted to re learn to ride, but it has always been about my daughter. An opportunity came up for me to adopt an ex three day eventer who is just a good guy! His name is "Jerry" and he is just what the doctor ordered. I have been taking lessons and am so proud of myself. I am just so happy when I am with the horses. Every stress in the world leaves my body. So onward I go through this life's journey and hoping for more good things to come.