With the economy in a down turn many breeders & trainers can no longer afford to take care of their horses. Some of you may have heard about the recent seizure of improperly cared for racehorses that was in the news locally. Many, many racehorses become injured, or owners, for whatever reason, do not want them anymore. Many of these horses have been sent to auctions to be bought by slaughterhouses. Horse meat is still a delicacy in Asia & Europe. Ferdinand, a Kentucky Derby winner, ended up on someone's dinner plate after his owner claimed him useless and sent him to slaughter. To me, this is a sin! These horses have given us so much. They deserve so much better than this. With some attention and care they can have 2 nd careers as companions, show horses, trail, jumping, dressage horses, etc. We own one of these horses. His name is "Hoy". He came from the Finger Lakes track and ended up in a local rescue New Beginnings Equine Rescue. After the death of my daughters 22 Year old Quarter Horse, we decided we wanted to do our part and adopt one of these wonderful horses. Growing up just outside of Saratoga Springs, NY., I had been exposed to the racing scene most of my life. I always admired them & was in awe of their strength & beauty. Little did I know at the time, the horrors that go on behind the scene. Many good people, are working very hard to change all of that. The Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, http://www.trfinc.org, is one of those, based in Saratoga Springs. Others include the Excellor Fund, & Canter.
We have owned "Hoy" for 3 + years and have worked hard to retrain him. My daughter, Mariah, shows him in local shows, and will be learning dressage with him this year. He is sweet, funny, and charming, and we love him to death. I wish I could love more horses the way we love him. Space, time & of course money prevents us from doing that. My hope is that by doing my small part and educating others and volunteering my services when I can, I can help in a small way and maybe inspire others to do as well. The Kentucky Derby will be run once again next week. Take a look at the sites I listed . Maybe it will tug at your heart strings as it has done mine.