My creativity has been at a peak. I'm not even unpacked and all I can do is sit at my artdesk and play. I am trying to make some Christmas decorations for my house and possibly to sell on my etsy site. The rusty star is my take on the one that graces the cover of Somerset Studio's cover. I am not finished with it yet. I need to put it aside and work on something else. I also want to do a banner. I started it. I want it to say "be merry". I keep stalling on this as well. Is this normal to get started on a project and come to a screeching halt? I made a Sally Jean inspired ornament. My soldering skills need to get better but all in all I was happy with the result. I only burnt my fingers once! My little blue birdhouse is also inspired by the colors on Sally Jean's website. I have always LOVED that color combination, mixed with chocolate brown. We will see what happens with that. Oh so much to do & not enough time to do it!!!! I will get some extra art time in this week due to falling down the stairs and spraining my ankle pretty badly. Note.... let the dog get down the stairs first if it wants to! Still this time of year is crazy at work. I hate working in a retail environment around the holidays. There is no time to enjoy it. I am going to try to make time but it's hard. Thats all for today. Lots of stuff to do before I hobble off to work.