Tuesday, April 17, 2007

excited, inspired

My artwork has been put on hold. My mind can only focus my attention on 1 interest at a time. Usually my mind buzzes with ideas I have for jewelry or collages. I even had an order of supplies come in and I still have not dug into them. I spent last weekend with my daughter at a natural horsemanship seminar. Horses are very important to me. Spending time with them is like going to church. there is something so spiritual about them. All my stress just goes whenI am with them. so learning to work with them in a way that makes them a partner to you and treats them with dignity & respect is exactly what I was looking for to work with our 5 yo thoroughbred. All these techniques we learned have been playing in my head over & over again. I can't wait to go and start applying what I learned and see what the horse thinks of all this and see if I can pull it off. We board our horse so I only see him 1-2 times a week. As the weather gets better we will go more. So my creating gets set aside until I am inspired to sit down again. But at least my mind is not idle. Hopefully it will not be too long before the ideas start flowing again.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

My head is in a fog .

I am sick of being sick. I have had this virus for 8 days now and I am ready for it to be over with. I do not even have the energy to work on my jewelry or anything else productive. Oh, I did complete a collage I was working on last week. I titled it "Blue Boy" I think it is OK. I wish I had more confidence in my work. Being self taught I have no one to get feedback from. I do take pictures and show them to friends and they all say, "How nice." I have a small ETSY shop that possibly I can sell some of my work. I just started it and have not sold anything yet. I would like to get good enough that I can earn a some extra money after I retire. I enjoy the creative process very much and sometimes I can't sleep with all the ideas spinning in my head. I do have a small journal that I have sketches but not all these wonderful ideas I have get in there and many are gone forever. I haven't yet found my niche . I am hoping something will click at some point and I can take all the ideas I have and come up with something truly unique. But today is not the day. My head is in a fog and I cannot think clearly. I am going to rest the majority of the day. Nothing good on TV so I decided to check out this BLOG thing.