This past Monday I took a PMC class with Nancy Millerhttp://www.nancymillerjewelry.com
,of Saratoga Springs, NY, using keum Boo.I have learned everything I know about PMC from Nancy. She is a marvelous teacher and makes the most amazing jewelry. I have not been able to work too much on my art. We are moving and most of my things are in boxes. It was a wonderful break taking this class and I am in love with the results. I wasn't thoroughly impressed with Keum Boo until I actualy saw it myself. The gold with a liver of sulfer patina, makes me sooo happy! I had this skeleton key and wanted to make a silver heart to put behind it, or a star. My drawings did not come up with anything I was thrilled with. So I decided on wings. The "winged key" will be part of a necklace I want to make for myself. I have an "idea" in my head. Lets see if I can bring it too life. Also in the photo are Celie Fago inspired lentil beads I am making earrings from and a geometric bead I will use in something else. The square piece, made from scraps, has an impression of a horses head I made for my horsey daughter.
I am just starting to think of myself as an artist and seem to be growing into the role slowly. I have always known I could be creative but it has been suppressed for all my life. I just wouldn't or couldn't let it out. Once I started to let myself feel and see, the possibilities seem endless. I am inspired by other artists and follow what they do and what inspires them. I have not yet created my own style, but my guess is that will come in time. Right now I am learning new techniques and appreciating others style in hopes someday it will begin to emerge in what I do as something unique and beautiful. My confidence hopefully will build as I continue to grow and I will not feel so awkward calling myself an artist. My new home will have a studio ( I even feel weird saying that) for me to retereat to. My plan is to fill my spare time creating the visions in my head. Then I will be a true artist and not just a wanna be.
Things that inspire me. Nature, animals, vintage jewelry, old photos , landscapes, the sea